Friday 22 January 2021

What Are The Factors That Influence Hair Transplant Cost In Delhi?

Hair transplant surgery is elective procedure that provides the ample coverage by hair growth at the previously bald areas. The hair transplant procedures are employed by transferring the hair grafts from the donor areas to the bald recipient site. The donor area refers to the specific areas that possess permanent hair roots or DHT resistant hair roots which delivers permanent outcomes of the procedure. 

Hair transplant procedures are known to be expensive procedures but still the procedure grabs attention of huge sum of hair loss sufferers. The hair loss sufferers find the procedure worth because of the permanent outcomes, natural looking appearance and incredible results. The hair transplant surgery is simple and fairly risk free procedure which attracts the attention. 

So if you are worried about the cost of the procedure, you should consider it as an investment for getting back your happiness, confidence and self-worth. 

Hair transplant in Delhi and Jaipur have become hugely popular not because of the local patients only but also because of these cities being global attraction for hair transplant tourism. Few of the globally renowned hair transplant surgeons are practising in these cities that have outshined the name of these cities among the top destinations for hair transplant tourism across the world. 
Hair transplant in Delhi

Monday 11 January 2021

What To Know Before Undergoing Body Hair Transplant

If you are reading this article, there is a high possibility you are aware and familiar with hair loss and are keen to know about hair transplant in details. Before we discuss about Body Hair transplant let us quickly understand the process of hair transplant. 

It is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that involves extracting hair follicles either individually or in form of a thin strip from certain specific sites in the patients’ body usually referred to as donor sites. Then these extracted follicles are placed aesthetically at the bald side by taking due care to ensure minimum damage to hair follicles in the process. Predominantly these donor sites are the back and sides of the scalp because these sites possess androgen or DHT resistant roots that do not shrink under the influence of hormones and thus, have permanent hair roots which stay evergreen. 
Body Hair Transplant