Monday 28 December 2020

Criteria To Choose The Best Hair Transplant Clinic In Delhi

Hair Loss patients usually are very confused about which clinic to choose for their treatment. But before discussing the criteria which can help in this direction, one should know a little about hair transplant and hair loss.

Hair loss is a dreaded experience because hair have always been an integral part of our appearance. This loss can be both temporary or permanent. While temporary hair loss usually caused by some diet related, illness related or external factors is rare but the good thing is that it is reversible. The problem usually occurs with permanent hair loss or the one related to age, hormones and genetics. There is no permanent way other than hair transplant to deal with such kind of hair loss. 

If you are a resident of a metro city like Delhi, chances are high that you must have seen hair transplant clinics sprouting across the city. This is a sign of the fact that Hair transplant in Delhi is growing at a rapid pace in terms of acceptability and accessibility both. The problem however comes when such treatments are taken at clinics which are not fully equipped or treat this procedure as commercial rather than surgical therefore, leaving patients with an ugly looking result which gives a wig like appearance. 
hair transplant in Delhi

Wednesday 16 December 2020

How To Decide Which Hair Transplant Method Is Suitable For You?

The hair transplant procedure includes the transfer of the hair grafts from the donor area to the bald site that is termed as recipient area. This restoration procedure covers the bald area with a good amount of hair growth that is absolutely your very own hairs as they harvested from your own body and grow in a completely natural way like your other existing hairs. 

The procedure is been in limelight since more than a decade as it is the only permanent solution to hair loss that has been providing the natural looking results. The hair transplant in Delhi has flourished drastically more than anywhere else in the country. Few of the world class hair transplant surgeons are practicing in the city that has built strong reputation across the globe for excelling in the field of hair transplant. On top of all, the hair transplant cost in Delhi have drastically reduced die to overly competition among the clinics in the city because of the over saturated market. 
hair transplant in Delhi

Monday 7 December 2020

When Should You Consider Getting The Second Hair Transplant?

Hair transplant procedure is performed by harvesting the hair grafts from the donor area and then transplanting them to the desire bald area by taking extreme care of the hair line designing to produce the natural looking results. The procedure is a restorative one that covers the bald area by using the hair grafts from the other areas of the body that have ample hair density. The hair transplant donor area is the area of your body which is chosen for the harvesting of the hair grafts selected based on the permanence of the hair roots or the DHT resistance of the hair roots. 

The science and development in the field of hair transplant has made quite impossible things possible these days and fortunately you can cover a larger area of scalp with hair to a larger extent. The advanced techniques have made it possible to harvest a higher yield of hair grafts from the donor area which encompasses the provision of a high density hair transplant. 
hair transplant in Delhi